aih -.-'' tak suke weekend sebab akan terperuk dan basi dalam bilik sampai pening..berharap cepat-cepat hari malam and cepat cepat pagi isnin sebab can't wait to jumpa all my loved ones kt ofis:)
kalau i ada pet like doraemon nak pinjam from dia jam yang boleh ikut time kita;p seriously m abnormal bahahaha mesti orang yang normal akan marah sebab m hoping for that gloomy monday to turn out this early, kakakaka;D
tapi kan:) things will be totally different if we spent the weekend dengan something yang best giler!! ye i tahu the MFI girls went for that GP thingy cess tak ajak gua! tapi takpe:) the wall street movie watching was the bomb teehee:)
last weekend was awesome..sharky, frodo,cikpinn and i were heading to pangkor yeahyeah;p cuma a bit pening bile nak cari landmark tempat tido kitorang which uncle kereta sewa tu pronounce "holijon" and three of them were have "holiday john" in mind. i memang tak participate lansung untuk cari landmark tuh hoho sungguh buruk perangai..tapi lepastu jumpe juge..the sad thing sharky found out that 'holijon' is actually horizon hotel haha;D dah nk balik baru realize landmark itu memang nasi dah jadi bubur lepas turun naik bukit yang pusing-pusing dan terpakse bunyi kan hon setiap seminit. heh-.-'' it was fun tho..
quick update of the pix:) lebiu tata..
we meet mama cimi on the 1st day:) ur girl seriously have the retorik skill Tai;p
my sweethearts:) cha n qiqish too!! next trip make sure we'll be together ye:)
waiting for the penjaga pintu.

ade feel pening2 bile dalam menara ni hoho;p
muke bangun pagi.pegi kerje pun tak seawal ni!huh
journey begin..
this handsome youngman is ours:)

inila uncle krete sewe holijon!
batu bersurat, lupe plak nk tulis name atas batu;p
each time trip mesti visit tokong ape kes ntah;p
this was really fun!!
yes!he is shark,en jerung,die hero, die bodyguard! tp sometime..huh-.-''
sicomei frodopun spesis sharky..
snap by sharky.sangat cantik other pic ada bangau bangau sumore;p tp i prefer this one:) |
#the trip was super duper awesome!!tapi if cha n qiqish pun ade it turns out to be tremendous trip!:)